Thursday, May 7, 2020


We were able to take Tiny Dog to the vet's to follow up on the seizure of last week.  The good news: the bloodwork didn't show anything significant that might be causing seizures.  Although platelets and bilirubin were both a bit high, everything else was within normal parameters.  The bad news: so, we don't know what's causing the seizures. Hmmm.

The Googles tells me that a likely cause of geriatric-onset seizures in canines is... brain tumors. Oh, dear. There is no way I'm going to subject a nearly ten-year-old, five-pound chihuahua with a grade 6 heart murmur to an MRI, though, so we'll likely never know for sure.

And does it matter? The course of treatment would be palliative, as it is now. For the moment, the strategy is to start her on anti-seizure meds. I'm ambivalent, because I am concerned about side effects, yet also worried about the possibility of more, and more severe, seizures.

Is this the beginning of the end? Is this a long slow walk? Or will it be a fall off of a cliff? There is no way to be sure.

I don't like not knowing things.

We'll do the best we can for our very tiny dog. She is so small. And cute. She breaks my heart.

Oh, Tiny Dog.

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