Friday, July 31, 2020

Bon Voyage

After nearly five weeks of living in the front hall, the cup has been relocated to the recycling bin. I know not by whom. Do not ask for whom the cup is recycled; it is recycled for thee. 

Farewell, trusty cup. It was lovely having you there standing sentry all these days. 

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Warms What Now?

What a very odd advertising point. 

Wednesday, July 29, 2020


Herself speaks.

We are preparing for Offspring the Third to go back to his college town. Tiny Dog is helping with the suitcase packing.

I have very, very mixed feelings about this. I know it's important for him to have his independence and his routines and his schooling back in a semblance of order. I am optimistic that Offspring the Third will do well with social distancing and regular mask-wearing and other protective measures. I am much less optimistic that other students will do so. Those who flout the rules, will be putting him at risk, and I am anticipatorily angry at them for doing so. 

Help keep him safe. He's all grown up, but he is still my child. 

The Grass Is Crispy


The dogs are toasty, though. Good sun on old bones. 

Monday, July 27, 2020

Saturday, July 25, 2020


This is adorable.

I might need a safeword. 

In case you can't read the watermark:
instagram: @green_fox_blue_fox
twitter: @foxes_in_love

Friday, July 24, 2020


This remarkable creature graced our back patio this morning.  Offspring the Third determined that it is a rustic sphinx moth.


Image may contain: outdoor

And really rather large. 

Image may contain: one or more people

Thursday, July 23, 2020


Today's earworm: Wave (Meghan Trainor). 

I hope you enjoy.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Perhaps This One

In my ongoing perusal of recreational vehicles (a recreational pastime in and of itself), I think that right now, I really like this one: Thor Four Winds 24F. 

It's not too big -- I could conceivably learn how to drive a 25 foot RV. It has good storage, a walk-around bed, a nice deep sink, an excellent pantry.

Maybe someday.
2021 Four Winds 24F
(You can find more information here: 

Tuesday, July 21, 2020


There is just something very WRONG about sending an advertisement for a razor for one 'sdaughter.

Given the unrealistic and potentially harmful beauty standards that are so often touted by advertising, as well as on television and in movies, this is a topic which warrants treading very carefully. In my opinion -- and your opinion may vary -- parents should not generally be involved in their daughter's choices regarding depilation. (Though if a daughter asks a parent to obtain a razor for her, that's a different matter. She wants to shave? OK, she may need guidance regarding the best tools and techniques for her choice to shave.) 

Is it worse that this advertisement was mailed to Beloved Husband? Somehow, yes, it is. Is Venus razor targeting middle-aged men to encourage them to exert control over their daughters' bodies? That's what I see, in this advertisement.

I know that may seem extreme to some. Perhaps I am a jaded middle-aged woman who takes things too seriously. Or perhaps, I am just Done with the way things are in the world right now.

Monday, July 20, 2020

Past Due

Herself speaks.

It's been six months since I visited White Sands National Monument with Cherished Friend. Six months -- plus one pandemic, and one 1700-mile move. How things have changed.

I used to see Cherished Friend with regularity; even when he was in a different corner of this desert land, he was within a few hours' drive, and I made a point to try to visit him, or host him here, every couple of months. Yet now that's no longer possible. And it is even more painfully obvious at this time, as I am reaching a point where I would normally be looking at the calendar, inquiring as to when he might be free, and mulling over what sort of hiking or outdoorsy activity we could undertake together.

The truth is: with the pandemic, I don't know when I'll see him in person again. And this fills me with incredible sadness.

All I can do is be patient, and hope for the best. And a vaccine.

We shall see how things unfold.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Still There

Three weeks now, that cup has been in the front hall.

I'm amused. (Or trying valiantly to be so.) I spend a great deal of effort trying not to see the clutter that frustrates me. It appears, though, that for some household members, no effort is required not to see such clutter.

Wagers on how long it will be there? We shall see. 

Saturday, July 18, 2020

The Reason

Today's earworm: You Are The Reason (Calum Scott).  

If I could turn back the clock
I'd make sure the light defeated the dark

So harmonious, and so sad. Still, sometimes when the world is rather terrible, a bittersweet ballad is just right.

I hope you enjoy.

Friday, July 17, 2020

Villi Pilli

Offspring the First sent a photo by text, commenting: I found this pillow made of villi.

Indeed she did! Would plural be villi pilli?

A little science humor delights me, especially when it is offered by the Offspring. 

Wednesday, July 15, 2020


No lizard is too small for Tiny Dog to spot. 

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

The Village

Herself speaks.

I've been searching for something entertaining to pass the time while using the treadmill, and came across The Village (M. Night Shyamalan, director). I enjoyed it previously, and again. The dialog is a little stilted and overly stylized, although it still seems appropriate given the themes of the movie.

There was one line that struck me:

IVY: Sometimes we don't do things we want to do, so that others won't know we want to do them.

That's a beautiful summary of the complexity of some human emotions.

And quite true, I think.

Monday, July 13, 2020


Today's earworm: a very lovely cover of The Night We Met, by the a cappella group Treble Attraction.

I hope you enjoy.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Holding Steady

Herself speaks.

New Old Dog's ultrasound was good. He does not have cancer, which was the biggest concern given his age and symptoms.  All signs appear to point to chronic pancreatitis. Low-fat special dog food, patience, and a little chicken and rice for the old man.

He looks a little funny now -- they shaved various bits of his fur in order to do the ultrasound, and he is all patchy and uneven.  A very poor Manscaping job, indeed. He does not appear to be concerned, though. He's eaten a little bit here and there, and we hope that he will continue to improve with careful diet. We'll have some more time together yet.

Good boy.

Saturday, July 11, 2020

A Little Silence

Herself speaks.

I am sorry, my intrepid readers, for having nothing meaningful to say of late.

Things are OK: the people I love are all safe and well (knock wood). I'm grateful.

The world continues to be terrible, though.

Politics are shockingly partisan and ridiculous.

There is no control over the pandemic which is running amok all over the place. Several states, including my home state, are vying for most infections/greatest increase in cases/percentage of obtuse and stupid population who refuse to wear a face mask. The President, and other leaders, are pushing to have schools open as usual in the fall, with very little guidance on how to keep students and teachers safe.

Nearly lost in this morass: Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has made new rules rendering it difficult, if not impossible, for international students to remain in the United States and continue their educations; oh, and ICE has established a "Citizens' Academy" to "provide members of the general public with an inside look at ICE and how the agency enforces immigration and customs laws."  Especially since the very first sentence on the official ICE website states: "They visited York County Detention Facility, perused the Forensic Document Lab and spent time at a firing range, honing their marksmanship skills. " SURELY NOTHING COULD GO WRONG WITH THAT.

How long until some "patriotic" citizen who has attended the Citizens' Academy uses those honed marksmanship skills to take matters into their own hands about individuals suspected of being undocumented? Don't bet on a sure thing.

There is more. This is all I have the strength to summarize right now.

I'll do the best I can to be better about posting. These are very strange times, and warrant documenting. It's hard, though.

I want to hide under the desk, like Tiny Dog.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

My Old Man

New Old Dog is slowly declining. He had a resurgence last week, thanks to some steroids and pain relievers and antacids, but it appears that the medications are no longer having the desired effect. He is looking thinner -- withering away, slowly.

I had to leave him at a new vet's office this morning for an ultrasound, to see if they can pinpoint the issue. It's a good thing we are all wearing masks these days -- that way strangers cannot necessarily tell if you are near tears.

I want to be optimistic. I think I know better. I don't want him to be in pain. And I don't know what will happen if he needs to go to meet his Maker. All I can do is hope that if that is the case, I will be able to be there with him.

Bless you, New Old Dog.

Sunday, July 5, 2020

A Little Holiday Meal

Wilbur enjoyed a bit of steak and baked potato with us for the Fourth of July.

Ever the polite pig, he always removes his hat at the table. He likes to prop himself up on the Scrabble box, because he is fond of words and is always up for a game. He's good company, our Wilbur.

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Things and Stuff

Herself speaks.

This cup has been in the front hall of the house for a week now. It arrived last Sunday afternoon, and has not moved from its spot since then.

I'm waiting to see how long it stays there. 

I love my family, so much. I work hard to ensure their welfare, their safety and security and happiness. They are all lovely, smart, well-meaning people. 

They do, however, tend to leave a trail of possessions throughout the house. And sometimes when the house is cluttered, my brain feels a little cluttered too.  I do my best to ignore the things that are not specifically mine; if something isn't in the way and isn't a danger to other people or the pets, I try to just leave it where it is. Ignore it. Don't look at it. I am now an expert at Not Seeing things. 

And apparently, when it comes to a see-through plastic cup, so is everyone else.