Thursday, April 16, 2020

That Letter

Herself speaks.

I got a text from my dad today. He let me know he'd updated his Death Letter, and rather than print it out and try to send it in the mail, he would just e-mail it to me. I reassured him that I would print it out here and save it with all the other important papers.

I know that my parents are very safe: their retirement community is taking good care of everyone, ensuring that meals and mail are delivered, enforcing social distancing, keeping everyone safe. Mom, who is an extrovert by nature, is no doubt struggling from lack of social activity. Dad, who is more introverted like me, may not mind so much the lack of people-ing, but no doubt misses going to the little gym and having a bit of exercise here and there. They both would enjoy having their usual breakfast yogurts and a bit more salad, I am sure. Going to the grocery store is a concern, though; they are both over 80 and have heart conditions, so contracting the coronavirus would be Very Bad Indeed. Do they risk it, for a small outing and a bit of normalcy? It is hard for them to decide.

My heart is a little bit broken right now. I am so far away. I would love more than anything to be able to fetch a few groceries (and would even brave the grocery store for them), even if I just met my dad on the walking path near their facility and set down the groceries 20 feet away for him to fetch. I wish I could.

I sent them cookies and a couple of books through Amazon. What else can I do? 

I will just keep hoping for the best.  

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