Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Pandemic Thoughts, Four

Herself speaks. 

I don't know how to handle my intake of news reports. Too much, and I am overwhelmed; too little, and I am fearful from lack of knowledge.

There really do appear to be people participating in protests about various state closures, even while many state executive orders are scheduled to expire in a few days. How will "back to business" really go? Two local malls are scheduled to re-open this weekend. All I can think is, what a terrible idea. The last thing we want is people dismissing social distancing precautions and congregating once more. We can all foresee a second wave of infections that will inevitably result. And what of all the struggling businesses, who need to re-open in order to salvage their precarious financial situations? Not to mention, how widespread are the terrible/and possibly unsafe conditions for many low-level yet "essential" employees? I cannot wrap my head around the enormity of the situation.

I am having trouble focusing on work. I want just to clean my house, and check our supplies, and figure out how to extend the chunks of protein we have into meals everyone will eat. Perhaps play a little Animal Crossing. Maybe even read a book. I am struggling with conversation topics, too -- it is hard to discuss politics or social issues or complex ideas.

I am still afraid to run errands that involve setting foot into any store.

I am still secretly terrified of getting sick.

As of today, there are over a million cases of COVID in the United States, to date. Sixty thousand deaths. A death rate of 6.46%, if I use the statistics that turn up right now in a web search. And that's just mortality -- what of morbidity? We won't know how we will fare until it happens.

Cannot think about it.

I listen to Harry Potter, as always, while I do my household chores. I find myself wondering: after the battle of Hogwarts, where does Fred's hand on the Weasley clock point?

How many of us, if we had such a clock, would find our designated hand pointing to "Mortal Peril"?

I want to be optimistic. And I want to be realistic.

I know nothing.

All we can do is cover our faces, wash our hands, and wait and see.

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