Sunday, March 15, 2020


Herself speaks.

It's 'tradition' in my family to have a Death Letter. The tradition was started by my Dad years ago -- every time he and my Mom have gone on a long trip, or moved house, or had a serious health issue, he has updated it. It contains instructions about the wills, account information, and stuff like that.

About six years ago, I decided to write my own. In addition to wills and financial information, I also wrote a short personal note to each of my Important People. I'm reading those now as I revise my Death Letter, and it is amazing how six years later (that's a lot of time passing, especially offspring-wise), I wouldn't change a word. 

Not that I'm expecting to shuffle off this mortal coil any time soon -- still, in this moment of coronavirus pandemic (about which I have not written, because I might be nearly beside myself with anxiety about something Terrible happening to me and leaving my Important People behind), it weirdly brings me comfort to know that if something happened, my words would still be right and meaningful.

I don't think I tell other people often enough how much they mean to me. Might change that going forward.


  1. ooh, I wish I had known about this before now... I need to make one, but my parents really need to make one. It's just a little too real right now to suggest it.

    1. It is indeed far, far too real right now. :/ Alas.
