Tuesday, August 31, 2021

The Mountain

 Since we postponed the trip to visit my parents, Beloved Husband and I decided to have a little adventure. We chose to go climb Guadalupe Peak (which we had climbed twice already, years ago), and we thought, let's camp at the campsite on the mountain. We'd only camped at the base of the mountain before; camping up on the mountain would require carrying tent, accoutrements, food, and extra water up the trail. We planned out what we would need, packed our backpacks, and off we went.

It was... quite the climb.

The trail was familiar in places -- didn't we take a family photo right there? I know Cherished Friend and I stopped for a rest over there. I know we have a picture of one or two of the Offspring sitting on that very rock --  and yet it was so steep, so long, and so much more difficult than I remembered. (Granted, nine years had passed since the last time we'd gone to the summit.) We had to rest frequently. The sun was strong and the breeze was small. I was determined, though. And we did. 

Beloved Husband told me afterward that he was waiting for me to throw in the towel and decide to turn around and go back. That never crossed my mind, though. The plan was to get to the top, eventually. And we succeeded.

It was a worthwhile trip. I am glad I did it, even if I didn't necessarily enjoy the hike. (At all.) It was the first time Beloved Husband and I had planned a trip together in a long while, and it was good to do something together. And there was a lot of satisfaction in not having to think much, or to do anything except hike and rest. It was a slightly bittersweet journey, with reminiscences of earlier days juxtaposed against the knowledge that it's unlikely I will ever climb to that peak again.

The view from the top was spectacular. The area is so much greener than usual -- the heavy rains that we have had recently have caused everything to bloom spectacularly. Glorious. I will hold on to that view in my mind's eye for a long, long time. 


View from the campsite.

Views in all directions.

Lovely tree.

Trail fit for a mountain goat.



So green.


Very plummet-y bit near the top.

There it is!


The end.

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