Saturday, October 5, 2019

Facebook Is Concerned

When I catch up on Facebook, I usually do so on my smartphone. The mobile version of Facebook is positively replete with advertisements. So. Many. Ads. It's ludicrous. I regularly hide 99% of all the ads that appear, marking them "irrelevant" or "repetitive". The ad content has slowly mutated over time -- when I hid enough ads for socks and makeup, those were replaced with things like (more egregious) ads marketing participation in class-action lawsuits relating to harm caused by medical devices. There is also an abundance of ads for prescription medications and cosmetic procedures (must be the post-50-clinging-to-youth demographic).

There is a common thread right now running through the current ads:
Facebook seems to be very concerned with what I am doing with my vagina. (And possibly the rest of my body.)

Let's take a look at these ads, shall we?

First: skin care for intimate areas. Good heavens. I didn't know this was a thing.


Perhaps, suggests Facebook, I should look into more than mere skincare? How about a prescription to enhance a flagging libido? I didn't know this was a thing either. 

Or is it just that I need more soft-core reading material to jump-start my imagination? 
Perhaps a Romance Queen book?

Or do I need anime romance? (That seems more millennial, somehow.)

Maybe I stink?

Or perhaps it's just that my body is no longer attractive. A tummy tuck might fix that?

(Kudos at least to that ad, for showing actual stretch marks.)

Is it a demographic quirk that yields these ads? I have never actually run a Google search for, or otherwise researched, any of these particular products/services. I rely on my OB/GYN for advice on skin care for my nethers and medication that might affect my ladybits; I am not horrified by a little sweat at the gym; I actively avoid romance novels; and though in truth a tummy tuck might improve the appearance of my abdomen a tad, I am not remotely interested in elective surgery. This body has been through enough. No, thank you. 

I am mystified WHATEVER, Facebook. I suppose I should be glad that you don't consider my demographic to be so ancient so as to be no longer interested in, or interesting for, sex. Please consider broadening your horizons, though. Thanks very much. 

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