Wednesday, June 5, 2024


Well, it's been QUITE A WEEK.

At first I could not decide whether I should go through all the things step by step, in one post; or parse it little by little, in multiple little posts.

I've decided to do bullet points here, and then I'll fill in details as time permits over the next several days. For I am so behind on everything, I am practically paralyzed by inaction due to the so many things to do. 

And so: in the past two weeks, these things have transpired:

* I attended my thirty-fifth college reunion (help, I'm old)

* Beloved Husband and I visited Offspring the First (she looks great, in all possible senses of the word)

* We also visited a few scenic spots in New York City while we were adjacent (one moving and difficult, one lovely)

* The return trip to the desert was tarnished by a weather delay that resulted in being trapped in a distant portion of Texas for far longer than anticipated, including a hotel that was possible the most... appalling that we have ever encountered (aka the "Hot Sheets Motel")

* The level of relaxation upon our return was distinctly marred by one of the rabbit's sudden descent into serious illness, which necessitated an urgent vet visit and near-constant hands-on care with multiple medications and hand-feeding for several days (until his appetite returned and he turned into a ball of wrath and feet)

* Another urgent matter of a relative required intensive conversation and attention coextensively with the return trip and the rabbit care (we do what we must for the people we love)

* Mother Nature looked at all this and said, now's a good time for you to start having hot flashes (BRING IT ON) 

That's the story, in a nutshell. 

So many things.

I... am tired. 

One thing at a time.

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