Sunday, March 17, 2024


Beloved Husband and I went to see Kansas in concert. I'm not nearly as fond of live music events as he is, but knowing how important these types of Experiences are to him, I'd purchased these tickets especially with the thought that he would enjoy the occasion. And off we went.

It's hard to know how a band will be in person vs. in studio, but Kansas did not disappoint -- they were quite good live. A bit loud (but I do bring earplugs, because I am One Of Those People), but good. The audience mostly behaved (though the woman directly in front of me became a bit bored at one point and scrolled through her phone with the brightness on approximately the level of "dwarf star" -- cripes, ma'am, turn it down), the music felt good (I do enjoy the actual physical sensation of live music), and the classic songs were duly part of the repertoire. It was overall a success. 

Let's see what music event I can find for next time. 

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