Sunday, July 30, 2023


 I might be ready to talk about it a little bit. 

So - yes, I caught COVID a second time. 

My best guess at this point -- given the approximate incubation time, the beginning of my symptoms, and such -- is that I was infected at a particular doctor's appointment. I don't actually know, and there is no way of actually finding out; it's just my best guess. 

The worst part, is knowing that I was traveling and interacting with a wide variety of people during the incubation stage. Hello, I'm apparently Typhoid Mary and don't know it. The horror. And the moral quandary: what obligation did I have to notify people once I found out? How contagious was I? Ugh. The horror. 

I minimized what I could, and changed my travel plans to spend additional time ensconced in the hotel room, until I could (according to CDC rules) safely travel home, provided I was masked. I avoided people as much as humanly possible. It was all horrible. 

The course of COVID 2.0 was about half as bad as original COVID (which was good because original COVID was horrid). A few days of sore throat, a couple of days of runny nose, several days of low grade fever, several of fatigue, lingering cough. Unpleasant, but tolerable. And I tested negative about a week later. 

The worst part was the rage, because COVID interfered with several plans that must now be re-formed and re-done. And because I tried. I try so hard to keep from getting sick, and yet, there I was. 

The only silver lining, as far as I can tell, is that I will worry less about catching COVID again for a while. Oh, and I learned how to use Uber Eats, to have decent food safely delivered while in quarantine. 


Stupid plague. 

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