Thursday, April 6, 2023


 My lovely firstborn turns thirty today. Where has the time gone? 

Milestones can be tricky, because the temptation is to look critically at yourself and judge yourself based on Society's Expectations for what you should have, what you should be doing, how you should be running your life. 

Remember this, though: you have obligations to no one except yourself. If you try to take care of yourself, and to make your corner of the world a slightly better place -- that will always be more than enough. You are already doing these things, and you are therefore succeeding. You are a lovely, tender-hearted, thoughtful person, and your smile lights up the room when you walk in. Who could ask for anything more? 

And remember to ask yourself: Are you trying to figure out your dreams and your goals? Are you doing your best to be true to yourself, to be kind to yourself, to do what you can, every day? And are you remembering that on some days, "doing your best" will be just getting through the day? 

See? So much success.

You are loved beyond measure. You are valued for your existence in this world. Go forth, and be loud and take up space and ask for what you need and what you want. You are deserving of all good things, always.

Happy birthday, Offspring the First. 

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