Saturday, June 11, 2022


Today's goal was to make some kind of easy, migraine-friendly food to have handy for myself.

So close. And yet, so far.

I aimed for cookies. Oatmeal, rice flour, pumpkin, maple syrup, a few other known 'safe' ingredients. They turned out nicely -- fluffy and just the right amount of sweetness.

The mistake: adding "pumpkin pie spice". The standard mixture which we all know: cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, allspice, and such.

Shortly after consuming them, I wondered why my lips felt a little tingly. And then the headache started. 

That would be a NO going forward. 


My frustration is pretty high right now. Every time I try to eat better and do better, I run into the fact that so many "healthy" foods are problematic for me. Even spices, apparently. 

You'd think I'd be thinner. But really, pre-headache I have carbohydrate cravings (which I am now recognizing as part of the headache/migraine prodrome), so... not so skinny. Just fat and headache-y and uncomfortable.

I spent the day doing some research on low amine foods - I know that many of my headache triggers (bananas, aged cheeses, pickled things, cured/smoked/processed meats, soy, sourdough) are high in tyramine; others (avocados, nuts, citrus, beans) are high in histamine or are histamine releasers. Maybe low amine will help? Well, that's a VERY limited number of foods.

I'm willing to try. The problem is, I give up easily because I don't feel better right away.

I need to try harder.

One day at a time. 


  1. Ah! Of all the indignities of growing old, the traitorous digestive system and its crazy prohibitions is got to be the worst. At least, for me... I am now unable to eat onions which are apparently in all prepared food. So, I feel your pain, though not in the head, I am frequently on a similar search for something that won't make my stomach angry.

    1. It is indeed one of the tribulations of getting older. I wish you good luck on your journey toward finding safe things to eat <3
