Wednesday, June 9, 2021

The Tiniest and Fiercest of Warriors

 Today, we say goodbye to Tiny Dog.

Tiny Dog, you have been ever vigilant, ever authoritative, since you arrived in our household in the form of a two-pound puppy. Now a sturdy five pounds of noise and ferocity and sweetness, you have protected us and amused us for ten full years. 

You have had adventures large and small -- gone for neighborhood walks and on camping trips, hiked up mountains, and battled grasshoppers. You have enjoyed all the comforts of home, burrowing in blankets (and inside our shirts with us), demanding snacks, and contentedly surveying your domain from on high on my hip in your dog carrier. You have played "fetch" with tiny tennis balls and "rip-it" with your tiny fuzzy bone. You have nibbled on the edges of all sorts of fabrics, because doing so would soothe you when you were agitated. And you have had zoomies round and round, much to our delight. 

You witnessed the graduation from high school of all three Offspring, and their launching off into college and beyond. You helped me study for the bar exam; you brought immeasurable comfort during the strange and uncertain times of the Pandemic. You have blotted many a tear and brought tremendous consolation. 

You have outlived four other canine compatriots by sheer force of will; Thorbert, Daisy, Tio, and Chico Hank are waiting for you now across the Rainbow Bridge. Go to them - I have no doubt that they will give you a warm welcome. Godspeed, Maya, my Tiny Dog, and thank you for your time with us. 

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