Monday, March 9, 2020

Not Alone

One of the Offspring was having a Moment yesterday.  They reached out to me and I did my best to soothe them, to direct them toward a more fruitful mindset, and to help formulate a plan for moving forward out of the Stuck Spot in which they found themselves. I hope it helped. When I touched base later that day, they seemed to be doing better. I am keeping this Offspring especially close in my heart, and hope matters will improve for them soon.

I am relieved, and comforted, by the fact that the Offspring reach out to me in their Moments. I can recall some Moments of my own from the past, in which I found myself Completely Alone -- and I would not wish such terrible Aloneness on anyone. Especially the Offspring. Sometimes, just to be Heard in a Moment, makes a world of difference. I want to make that difference.

I am here, for you.


  1. Last night, I had occasion to discuss what "kindness" looks like/feels like with some teenage boys. One of them earnestly told me he had never felt kindness. I told him, I felt I was practicing kindness with him by listening carefully to what he was saying, and seeing him. He mulled it for a while, and decided that just might be kindness. <3 being there for people is one of the greatest kindnesses, in my opinion. Having a mom that wants to be there for you is a blessing, not a given... you have very lucky offspring!

    1. <3 you are very kind. <3 Especially for helping others to see what kindness can be.
