Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Ant and Grasshopper

Herself speaks.

I have been avoiding writing about the coronavirus pandemic, because I am Afraid. I have a visceral fear that is likely (I hope) completely disproportionate to what is necessary. The shape of the immediate future is unknown and rather a bit scary. And people are either alarmingly lackadaisical, or even more alarmingly panicky with their aggressive purchasing and hoarding of supplies. 

I am trying to walk the line: I am being cautious, certainly; I am not over-purchasing, though. Nevertheless, when I went to the fancier grocery store over the past weekend, I did buy several cartons of eggs, because eggs had been unavailable at other stores and were miraculously available there. I felt guilty doing so; but, I rationalized, there are many people in my immediate circle who may be of need, and I wanted to have extras just in case.

Now I don't feel quite so bad about those extra purchases:  Offspring the First -- an ovo-lacto vegetarian -- is in need of supplies and has been unable to get to the store. So tomorrow I will deliver some eggs, and some dry goods, and the ever-so-critical toilet paper. And also, Offspring the Third will take some fresh fruit to my lovely in-laws. Going forward, I will include them in my shopping when I can, to make sure they do not go without.

I am glad we can help tend to our Important People. It is a small comfort in these frightening times. 


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