Saturday, April 16, 2011

Partings, anticipated

This morning Herself spent some time with Offspring the First, planning the necessary trips to install her at college in the fall. 

In the fall.  That makes it sound like there's plenty of time because it's so far away.

Reality is, it will be in a mere four months.  That's so very close.

Herself has only begun thinking about the inevitable moment when she drives away and leaves Offspring the First over 500 miles from home.  Offspring the First has never before been away from home for more than a week, and yet it will be months and months at a time now.  And home is forever changed, for "coming home" is very different once one has been away at college. 

Herself is excited for Offspring the First.  New adventures, new discoveries.  New people, new places.  So many worlds open up in college.   Herself focuses on that, rather than thinking about how much Offspring the First's absence in the household will be noticeable.  Yet in the wee hours, when she cannot sleep, Herself mulls over how to console Offspring the Second and Offspring the Third when they miss Offspring the First.  And she cannot even begin to fathom how she will console herself.


There is another possible parting in the back of Herself's mind, too:  there is a chance that one of her favorite people may move away from this desert land.  The future is uncertain.  Herself waits for further news, and holds her concerns in abeyance for the moment.

I encourage her to keep in mind a few words of wisdom from Kung Fu:  "What will happen, will happen, whether one is afraid or not."  She understands, and she is patient.  Still, she sees the creeping shadows of loss and change, and is fearful.   

Change is hard.


  1. Caine from Kung Fu!!! Awesome!!!
    Parting under such positive circumstances is always rough.. I wish you and your clan the very best in the transition.
