Sunday, September 6, 2015


The new hamster -- bless his heart, he's a wee bit dim -- spent a great deal of time trying to make a nest within his running wheel. He's not tidy, either. Beloved Husband asked that Rocky be moved off of the kitchen counter, in view of his general untidiness, and so, we have rearranged his voluminous habitat (and cleaned out the wheel) and set it on the small table in the corner of the kitchen, under venerable elderly nigh-immortal cockatiel. It works well, for we can see Mr. Hamster foraging, running, or sleeping, and yet his detritus is not on the counter.

Tiny Dog is most disturbed by Rocky's activities. "LOOK HE IS RUNNING IN THE WHEEL AGAIN LOOK LOOK LOOK" she announces. It's all right, Tiny Dog.  Wee hamsters need activities, too. 

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