Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Young Love

As we watch the Offspring endure the slings and arrows of crushes, the difficulties of teen (and preteen) romantic angst, and the exhilarations and sorrows of their first relationships with those who have attracted their attentions, Herself and I are simultaneously amused, heartened, saddened and nostalgic.  

It is endearing to hear how they demonstrate their affections, and it is delightful to see them happy to make another person happy.  It is hard, though, to watch them struggle with unrequited love. And it is difficult to know what to do when their hearts are broken - a tissue and a hug cannot possibly adequately address wounds of the heart.

Herself remembers how enthralling, and almost physically painful, it was to be first captivated by someone's presence as a teenager.  The surge of hope -- does he like me back? -- followed by the depth of realization -- no, he does not -- were like waves on the ocean, rising up, up, and then crashing down again.  Excitement, disappointment.  Phone calls and crossed fingers.  Friend-of-a-friend-of-a-friend-of-a-friend who has information. Glances across the dimly-lit gym at the school dance.  Yes? No? Maybe?

It was torturous, to be sure.  Yet these are rites of passage each person must endure.  It is a life-long quest:  to find others whom one loves, and who loves one. 

The risk of love is loss, and the price of loss is grief-
But the pain of grief
Is only a shadow
When compared with the pain
Of never risking love.

- Hilary Stanton Zunin

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