Monday, April 29, 2024


Anchors aweigh!

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Meow TV

Kitty-sitting is nice, because I get to enjoy watching the kitties enjoy watching the world go by. Though sometimes they also watch me, watching them, watching the world. 

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Pop Goes The Weasel

 A week and a half ago, I was traveling. (I haven't even written about that yet. Help, I am so behind.) And as I stepped off of the small train onto the platform, to switch onto the other train to go back to the airport to go home, there was... a POP in my right calf. 


It was surprising that it wasn't actually audible -- it was that noticeable.  I was momentarily unable to walk on that leg. I was one of the last off the small train, so fortunately I didn't hold anyone up. I regained my balance, and hobbled to the next train as quickly as I could so as not to miss my connection, which was NOT quickly as all, because I could not bear full weight on that leg, nor swing it/extend it fully. 

I then had an hour on the next train to figure out what to do. Do I seek medical care there, or do I just make my way home to deal with it? The obvious choice was to go home; I didn't want to incur delays, hotel fees, out-of-network medical costs. The leg was not SO painful that I couldn't move. I would be sitting for the vast majority of the day, except when moving from train to airport, and from plane to plane. Choice made. I continued the 12-hour door-to-door journey home. 

The hardest part was the airport walking. I was very, very, slow, because I really couldn't walk normally at all, and needed to stay out of the way of everybody hurrying by. I opted to check my carry-on suitcase to minimize what I would have to take with me during the layover/gate change, which was helpful. The hardest part was getting from the final gate, to baggage claim, and out to long-term parking. So. Slow. So obviously limping. Awkward. Painful.

The next few days were a bit of a challenge. Doctor's visit, crutches. Compression sleeve. A little ibuprofen. Testing ordered. Things slowly are improving. 

The long and the short of it (I'm going to leave out the ABSOLUTE SHENANIGANS involved in getting what I thought should have been routine testing to figure out what happened, because I might dissolve into a tirade about the still-lacking-medical-care in this area of the desert) is: I have a 'greater than 75% tear' in the gastrocnemius muscle in my right calf. Yikes. 

Things are better now, in that the pain is fairly low (as a person with chronic migraine, pain is all relative -- and this is really not a lot unless I pivot strangely or try to move too quickly).  I am, however, extremely frustrated, because I don't at the moment have concrete information about how to ease back into regular activities. How do I get back to my regular treadmill use (incline/speed/length of time)? When do I start physical therapy, to make sure this doesn't happen again? 

Also, what the actual f*ck is this nonsense?  

I am very surly. I do not do well without being able to Take A Walk. 

The only consolation in this entire debacle has been -- and hear me out, for I know this will sound strange -- there is an actual, identifiable thing that is wrong. 

That may sound silly. But as an overweight, middle-aged woman seeking health care, the odds are more likely that my concerns, and my description of pain, will be minimized or treated as 'anxiety' or curable through weight loss, rather than as rooted in an actual problem. 

(I'm not minimizing the health benefits of shedding a few pounds. I know what they are, and I  know that I should.  But you know that.)

I... am tired. 

But, on we go. One (slightly limping) step at a time. 

Monday, April 22, 2024


The moon was peeking out over everything at the local park this weekend. Nice. 

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Pay The Piper

Last week, I mailed out four envelopes to address a quarter of the myriad tax responsibilities I have. Tomorrow, I shall mail the rest (for various complicated reasons, certain forms are not due until the twentieth of the month), and then I shall be Done. Huzzah for Done.

I do not enjoy the level of Adult Responsibilities I bear. But I do what I have to do. As always. 

Monday, April 15, 2024

Song of the Vowels

The sculpture, in front of the tremendous library, depicts two harp players. Can you see it? I never knew its name before - so appropriate, for its location. 

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Places To Which To Apparate

Right about now, would be lovely. 

Monday, April 8, 2024

Turn The Corner

 Herself speaks.

It's been nearly four months since the Inflection Point. The road has been an exceptionally arduous one, cold and solitary and endlessly uphill. Questions without answers. Reframing, restarting. One foot in front of the other. And sometimes, a lot of just sitting by the side of the road, contemplating. 

This morning, though, I had a new thought. It's the first time I've had this thought. 

I will likely never be enough for other people. 

And that's their loss. 

I do my best. I have ALWAYS done my best. 

I am Enough. 

And I am Good. 

I will likely backslide, and have doubts. But I will hold on to the fact that I really do try hard, and that I have always done my best. And that I really am Enough. And that I am Good. 

Hold on to that, when you doubt yourself, Gentle Reader. You are Enough. And you are Good. 

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Zombie, Redux

 Today's earworm: Zombie (Bad Wolves). 

This version of the Cranberries' epic song is currently so very...
in my head.


Saturday, April 6, 2024


 Lovely Offspring the First has turned thirty-one.  She is so sweet, so tender-hearted. Introspective, a lover of words and of Meaning, kind. I wish for the very best for her, always. 

The world is your Oyster, beautiful One. Go forth and conquer. We love you, always. 

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Jab, Jab

Last Friday, I took myself to the pharmacy to get the latest COVID vaccine, and also decided to get the first of the shingles vaccine series. (I'll be traveling a bit soon, and seeing as every time I get on a plane, I come down with some form of Plague, it seems best to try to ward off as much of the ward-off-able Plagues as possible. And shingles, while not contagious, is absolutely wretched according to everyone I know who has had it, so let's try to prevent that too.) 

It wasn't bad. I have heard that people react a lot to the shingles vaccine, but honestly, other than being Tired the following day, and having arm soreness from both vaccines, it was fine. Let's keep our fingers crossed that the vaccines help. I do not enjoy trying to take care of All The Things plus tending extra to myself when ill, so if I can avoid a little bit of disease, I am all for it.