Sunday, February 16, 2020


There's something on the imminent horizon which -- while it will likely be for a short while -- will nevertheless be a very pleasant state of affairs. I'm a little bit at a loss as to how to contemplate it:  it's one of those things about which I have periodically thought, wouldn't that be nice, and then given it no more mental space because it was rather unlikely. Also, I did not spend time pondering it, because we all know what happens when I begin to look forward to things: things never go as hoped. So I had left this idea squarely in the hazy realm of improbable, though likely to be good.

Yet now look: here it is, apparently about to come to pass. I daren't feel happy about it, lest I draw the ire of the Universe. Still, it has potential to be enjoyable.

I shall say no more now. We shall see how things unfold.

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