Sunday, December 8, 2019


We went to a local nature preserve/park yesterday to see the luminarias. Luminarias are a southwest phenomenon -- I never saw them, growing up in the northeast. They are simple: a brown paper bag with a bit of sand at the bottom, with a single candle nestled inside. They are set up to line pathways. Pretty.

There were many families there, ranging from babies in strollers to grandmothers with canes, as well as a group of teenage volunteers who were delightedly roaming around and re-lighting any luminarias that had gone out. It was a nice evening event. Well done.


  1. <3 Some friends put luminarias out - luckily way before the Christmas rain decided to deluge us... they were gorgeous and reminded me of my neighbor who introduced us to the concept many years ago and of my time in ABQ. They are so lovely.

    1. <3 I had never seen them until I moved to this desert land. They really are just lovely.
