Tiny Dog enjoys sitting in a spot of sunshine. She surveys the domain, which is uniquely hers now. She is In Charge. She is Top Dog. Alpha pup. Life is good.
Herself thinks about a companion canine for Tiny Dog. She worries about Tiny Dog's heavy dependence upon her -- recollecting ottoman-shaped dog's heartbreaking habit of perennially waiting by the door whenever Herself left the house -- and it would be good if Tiny Dog could depend on another from her species for company when Herself is not available.
On the other hand, though, any auxiliary dog will need to have a personality that meshes with the strong personality of Tiny Dog. Second dog must be a beta dog, willing to let Tiny Dog be in charge. Perhaps an older dog? Or would that too quickly yield the health issues of a middle-aged-or-older animal? Or the heartbreak of having to say goodbye again, so soon?
There is the advantage of the ease of travel and care for only one very small pet, too. Herself feels disinclined at the moment to take on an additional creature which she must tend. That might be selfish. Or it might just be sensible. Grief from the loss of the two big dogs still pops up unexpectedly from time to time. It's best to wait, Herself thinks.
Perhaps someday the time will be right.
2 years ago
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