When she was in grade school, Herself took cello lessons. Her instructor held the lessons at the local high school. Amazingly, the instructor drove a Volkswagen beetle, and Herself wondered how exactly the instructor could possibly pack the cello into the vehicle when lessons were finished. When her mother picked her up from her lesson, Herself would keep her eye on the Volkswagen as they drove away; unfortunately, though, Herself never did witness the instructor stuffing the instrument into the car.
Herself would wait for her lesson in the hallway beside the door to the music room. The high school students -- who seemed very mature and tall at the time -- would occasionally pat her (and her instrument) on the head as they walked by between classes. That was probably the best part of cello lessons.
Herself's cello was never quite in tune, even though she attempted to tune it at home in between lessons. The horsehair of the bow would break here and there, and she would have long strands hanging, waiting to be removed. Sometimes even a string of the cello would snap. Herself could never quite coax a pleasant sound out of the instrument, no matter how she tried. When Herself practiced at home, the family dog would insert himself between her feet and the instrument and howl when Herself drew the bow across the strings. During lessons, the instructor clearly was dismayed; no doubt she understood the sentiments of the family dog.
Herself gave up the cello, and concentrated on the piano instead.
Many years later, Tiny Dog has thoughts about Herself's musical instrument as well. When Herself plays the piano, Tiny Dog either makes a nest in her bed nearby, or flings a toy around the room. It appears that Tiny Dog enjoys -- or is at least not bothered by -- the music.
Tiny Dog's preferences are made clear whenever anyone other than Herself sits at the piano bench. Tiny Dog then leaps to attention, stands on her back legs, and barks furiously if a key on the piano is pressed. Apparently she's guarding Herself's piano from interlopers.
Silly Tiny Dog. Your devotion is endearing.
2 years ago
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