Thursday, March 27, 2014

Music Muggle

Herself and Offspring the Second visited the local music store yesterday because Offspring the Second needed new drumsticks. Herself perused the piano music section before joining him in the drum department.  She read anew the signage explaining the characteristics of the various wood types and the sound produced by the differing stick head shapes. The sticks also vary in length, thickness, and finishes, and there is a complex system of numbers and letters that appears to designate the approximate dimensions of the sticks.  Herself has yet to discern, or remember, the pattern of the system. Furthermore, sticks of the same number-letter combination may still vary slightly between manufacturers. Oh, dear.

Every time she stands in front of the rack of drumsticks, Herself imagines that her perplexity must be similar to that of a muggle standing in Ollivanders Wand Shop. Fortunately for wizards, the wand chooses them.  It would no doubt be simpler if the sticks chose the drummer as well.  Perhaps they do -- Offspring the Second knows exactly which types of sticks work best for him.  Herself secretly admires his vast accumulation of knowledge regarding All Things Drums. Self-taught, self-studied. Even though their musical tastes differ, Herself can recognize the technique and speed with which Offspring the Second plays.  It's quite impressive.

Good for him.

This collection of drumsticks was found at Black Crown Music, 

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