Monday, September 9, 2013

Grieve Not

Last night, Herself and Beloved Husband sat out on the patio, watching Aged Decrepit Dog and Tiny Dog stare intensely at the rock wall in anticipation of a sighting of the neighbors' dogs.  Tiny Maya eventually tired of the wait and wandered back over to the patio, where Herself was recounting a story about Tiny Dog's activities the day before.

While Herself was in the kitchen, she had heard Offspring the Second come down the stairs.  Tiny Maya, who was watching Herself cook, had not responded to a "go get him!" or a "who's there?", but when instructed to go find Offspring the Second with a mention of his name, she promptly disappeared into the hall to look for him.  She knew his name.  Smart Tiny Dog!

Herself and Beloved Husband also talked about Aged Decrepit Dog's deafness, and about how Ottoman-shaped Dog had served as her ears.  So hard for Aged Decrepit Dog without him.  Herself looked at Tiny Dog, and asked her:  "Where's Thor?" Surprisingly, Tiny Dog promptly looked towards the back door, as if she expected an Ottoman-shaped Dog to emerge.  She watched, and waited, and then went over to look more closely at the doorway.  She continued to look for Thorbert's arrival for a good five minutes.

That was unexpectedly heartbreaking.

The family is slowly getting used to the absence of Thorbert.  Like Tiny Dog, though, Herself still finds that she is looking for him. It will take more time.

Herself finds it very hard to imagine Thorbert anywhere other than here.  She still harbors a painful visceral uncertainty - is he safe? Is he at peace? Is he happy? Where is he?  While looking through one of her favorite books, Anam Cara: A Book of Celtic Wisdom, she found a few words that may bring her consolation, if she takes them to heart.   She must remind herself:  he is Home.

We do not need to grieve for the dead. Why should we grieve for them? They are now in a place where there is no more shadow, darkness, loneliness, isolation, or pain. They are home. ― John O'Donohue, Anam Cara: A Book of Celtic Wisdom

This lovely crocheted remembrance of Thorbert 
was made by Inugurumi of Etsy

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