Tuesday, November 27, 2018


Tonight's earworm: No (Meghan Trainor).

It's quite catchy. It's a young woman's song, though: a song for women who are pursued, and are disinterested. I am not sure I have, in fact, ever been in a position to tell a persistent suitor to leave me alone -- it's been a very very long time since I was pursued.

Call me beautiful, so original
Telling me I'm not like other girls
I was in my zone before you came along
Now I'm thinking maybe you should go
My name is no, my sign is no, my number is no
You need to let it go, you need to let it go

At first, the last verse of the song didn't seem quite right in context:
I'm feeling untouchable
Untouchable, untouchable

I had to look up the definition of "untouchable." because in my thought, untouchable does not mean "not desiring of being touched", but "one is not desirous of touching". However, the dictionary covers both intentions: "that may not be touched" or "too distant to be touched", as well as "vile or loathsome to the touch."

Untouchable. Let's assume the former, not the latter. We hope.

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