Friday, June 12, 2015


Beloved Husband and Offspring the Second and Third had a project out of the house this evening, and so, Herself had a very rare evening to herself.  She cleaned the entire house and worked on the laundry, all the while listening to her own (rather appallingly pop-culture) music playlist at a rather loud volume. She had all her thoughts to herself, uninterrupted. It was pleasant.

Sometimes, it takes the luxury of some time alone in order to truly appreciate those around oneself. When caught up in the fray of every day life, it's difficult to sit back and reflect on the pleasant qualities of people, or think about the funny things they've said or the kind things they've done.  It's important to do so, though, lest the minutiae and petty annoyances build up. With a little bit of time to oneself, patience that has been worn thin has time to refurbish itself. It is necessary.

Now Herself and the canines await the arrival of the three Menfolk back at the clean house. She has enjoyed her evening of luxury. And the house is clean. It is good.

Three-toothed elderly gentleman canine enjoys his freshly washed nest. 

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