Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Left and Right

The left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing.

This expression so often is used in reference to a business or organization in which different individuals, usually at the higher levels, work at cross purposes to one another. There is a different, deeper meaning, though, that stems from religious verse:

But when you do merciful deeds, 
don’t let your left hand know what your right hand does.

- Matthew 6:3 (World English Bible)

This metaphor, open to a variety of closely related interpretations, generally is understood as meaning that one should not openly seek praise or notice from others for one's good deeds, donations or piety. Avoid self-congratulation, and do not feel smug, but do not call attention to -- and even forget -- one's own good deeds.

She was reminded of this verse this past weekend.  When she mentioned to her Long-term Acquaintance that she and Beloved Husband and Offspring the Second and Third had the opportunity to go to Cirque du Soleil, Acquaintance promptly mentioned how she and her spouse had gotten tickets for certain people two years ago to attend a Cirque du Soleil event as well. It was not a statement of, "we went to Cirque du Soleil," or even "we enjoyed Cirque when we went," but rather, a reminder, an announcement -- that through the largesse of her (and her spouse), certain people were able to see the show.

The most interesting facet of this conversation to Herself was not what was said, but rather, what was unsaid.  Acquaintance's Spouse was not in the room; even if he had been, the words that Acquaintance spoke would never have crossed Spouse's lips.  For Acquaintance's Spouse is the very embodiment of the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing, in the best possible interpretation.  He quietly takes care of things and of people, from small gifts, such as purchasing what they might need or want or picking up the tab in restaurants, to much larger events, including arranging family reunions and helping those who might not financially be able to attend to do so.  He donates his time to education and scientific purposes, and sets up scholarship funds for those who need education.  He does all he does unobtrusively and kindly. Beautifully.

Herself sees the acts of this wonderful, quietly generous man, and knows that this is the type of person she wants most to be.

Such a blessing, to have this shining example of the left and right hands in her life.

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