Saturday, April 6, 2013

Two Decades

Offspring the First is twenty years old today.  How time flies.

She is a lovely person - witty, charming, thoughtful. She is kind to animals, to strangers, to those who suffer. She has a good heart, and we miss her tremendously when she is away at college.

When we close our eyes, we can still remember quite clearly how she was rather afraid of the bathtub because it was too big, and so she was bathed in a round plastic bin that doubled as a sled for her first snowstorm.  We think about how she held her small stuffed bun lovingly by one ear while sucking her thumb, and how she loved when we would read books together.

She's almost all grown up now. Beautiful girl, so many exciting things await you in the future.  You will bring happiness and sunshine wherever you go.

Happy birthday, Offspring the First.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. That is such a touching photo. I recall enjoying decorating her with flowers and "jewelry" made from plants and other things we would find on our outings. She is a gem. Happy birthday to our little girl.
