Saturday, November 10, 2018

Endearing Things

Herself speaks.

Offspring the Third is very much a People Person. I'm not sure exactly how that came to pass, since no one else in the immediate nuclear family is much of a People Person. Like his siblings, though, he marches to the beat of his own drum -- and being people-oriented is part of his unique parade.

I got a call from Offspring the Third today. He had to do some shopping by himself, and since he does not like going places alone, he called me to chat while he wandered around the store. He gathered the things he needed, and collected a few Christmas presents for his siblings (he enjoys gift-giving as much as I do). He paused our conversation just long enough to check out, and then took his purchases to his vehicle. After he and his shopping bags were all in his truck, he said goodbye.

The whole process took about an hour. And while he wandered the store, I wandered around the house, tidying this and that, cleaning bathrooms, folding laundry. It was a pleasant hour: we both had company while doing ordinary tasks. Time well spent.

The hardest parts of being a parent are the self-doubt and the knowledge that I have made mistakes along the way. Did I do the right things at the right time in the right way? I tried; but there are things I should have done differently, different words I should have used. I am sorry, Offspring. Imperfect am I.

And yet, the Offspring show me mercy: for when they choose my company, either by phone or in person, I feel that surely I must have done something right, after all.

These lovely flowers were captured by Offspring the Third,
and are used with gratitude to him. 
Copyright 2018, Offspring the Third. 

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