Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Current Events

With eternal thanks to cartoonist Scott Metzger, for capturing exactly how it is. 

Cripes. I canNOT read the news. I canNOT look away. It's like a clown car and Opposite Day rolled into one: finding the most contrarian and least competent person for a government job, and installing them in it by unceremoniously shoving the current capable person out of the position.  People with no experience, but with openly anti-science, racist/bigoted views, now having access to all sorts of information and more - all while clamping down on free speech through forbidding publication of data and reports that have previously been regularly, and more. It changes and evolves into new and more horrible forms on the daily. I can't keep up. 

It's shocking. 

Help. I am all puffy. 

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