Friday, February 28, 2025

Nose to the Grindstone

 Herself speaks.

Whoops, it's been nearly two weeks. I have been buried in Things and Work and Extracurriculars. It's not bad, necessarily: honestly, having so many things to do keeps me from Ruminating, which is a very good thing. One of my projects in particular has required a certain amount of creative writing, which is my favorite pastime, and that has helped a great deal in building a ladder out of the Pit of Despair and Obligation where I had been dwelling for so long. 

One hard part, though, is not falling victim to the News. Because Jesus Hallelujah Christ on a bike, the news is SO TERRIBLE. I don't even know where to begin, or what to mention, because I don't want to risk thinking too much about what is happening. The state of the country's government, though, is... just Horrid. . 

It's as though the orange man is deliberately choosing individuals who are the worst possible options for every position. His neo-Nazi henchman, meanwhile, is marching around slashing and burning hundreds of government positions, cruelly, needlessly, thereby endangering our national parks and untold other government institutions and programs. The director of health and human services is an anti-vaccine, anti-antidepressant fruitcake who would like to set up 'wellness farms' for drug rehabilitation (that's not suspicious at all.)  There are newly proposed laws that would make it inherently more difficult for women and people of lesser economic means to vote. Oh, and the GULF OF AMERICA. (Eyeroll.) It is all terrible. TERRIBLE. 

And so I keep my nose to the grindstone, doing my work, trying not to hear the News, doing my best to take care of myself (still kind of poorly, but someday, I'll do better). One day at a time. 

It's going to be a really long four years, though. 

Sunday, February 16, 2025

How Far

Today's earworm: How Far Will We Take It? (Orville Peck & Noah Cyrus).

He really did such a lovely job of picking other voices to harmonize with on the Stampede album. 

As visually striking as many of his music videos are, I think this particular song is best listened to with eyes closed. It's even in the lyrics themselves. 

Being in your arms is what I came here for
I'll close my eyes if you close the door
I felt the fire, but couldn't see the flames
You didn't say it, but I know that you felt the same

I hope you enjoy. 

Friday, February 14, 2025

Witness Me

She was tiny. She came up from her watery depths, and her last and greatest effort was so that she could see the world bathed in a light that, for once, was not of her own making. 

And we, creatures of land and light, were privileged enough to see her final journey. 

This fish breaks my heart. 

Godspeed to her. 

Paintings by @sydbecrafty. Lovely. 

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Current Events

With eternal thanks to cartoonist Scott Metzger, for capturing exactly how it is. 

Cripes. I canNOT read the news. I canNOT look away. It's like a clown car and Opposite Day rolled into one: finding the most contrarian and least competent person for a government job, and installing them in it by unceremoniously shoving the current capable person out of the position.  People with no experience, but with openly anti-science, racist/bigoted views, now having access to all sorts of information and more - all while clamping down on free speech through forbidding publication of data and reports that have previously been regularly, and more. It changes and evolves into new and more horrible forms on the daily. I can't keep up. 

It's shocking. 

Help. I am all puffy.