Sunday, October 4, 2015


We follow many pages on social media - in particular, charities promoting the health and welfare of various types of animals, as well as sites bringing attention to human plights. These sites normally are good ways to keep an eye on the pulse of the world, to see where humanity needs to be (and to do) better.

Well, we followed.  We do not follow any more.

In keeping with the tendency towards shrill "news" reporting, the articles and stories have become more and more shocking, complete with photographs of the abused animals and the frightened or dead people. "Click-bait." I cannot see one more helpless injured animal. I cannot read one more sorrowful tale of desperate refugees, of sweat shops or internecine warfare, of school shootings, of pollution and destruction of the earth and deforestation and extinction and global climate change.

I can only do so much.

I cannot bleed for every creature on the planet. Or for the planet herself. It rends the heart.

I need reprieve from Terrible News.

I would like to be in an orchard like this right now. 
Picture copyright 2014, 2015, Mediocria Firma. Used with gratitude.

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