Friday, January 23, 2015


Herself speaks.

Offspring the Third is having some peer-related difficulties. I shan't discuss the particulars; he is entitled to privacy. Furthermore, it's best not to incite any further problems by describing details that could be used against any of the parties involved, especially if (in the most unlikely event) his peers manage to wade through the infinite internet and somehow end up here. I hope that the issues will dissipate in short order, and that all will be well.  In the meanwhile, as my heart aches with the knowledge that his heart aches, I would like to say:

I was so young and naïve when I brought the Offspring into the world. I never imagined that I’d have to explain to them that just because they are polite and kind to others is no guarantee that others will return politeness or kindness; that their own peers could be so deliberately cruel, aggressive, and hurtful; that people would break their hearts without a second thought. They are so young for such bitter, salty lessons.

I purposefully didn’t have many specific dreams for the Offspring - I didn’t want to set preconceived notions or unrealistic expectations for them. What’s clear to me now is that, besides hoping they will each find a career path that they enjoy for the most part and through which they can support themselves, my only other (and far more fervent) hope is that each of them can find a few good, kind people who can buffer the cruelties of the world for them.

It breaks my heart knowing I cannot protect them.

The best I can do is to be a sheltering boulder against the world’s winds for them.

I hope it’s enough.

It will never be enough.

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