Thursday, August 7, 2014

Impotent Rage

We are frustrated -- nearly apopleptically so -- at our lack of reliable internet access through which to post to the blog. We are at a complete loss when we are unable to write, for writing is how we think, process, live, BREATHE.  We have no words. Or rather, we have a buildup of words, all bumping against one another and straining to be set free from our minds so that they can swim freely throughout the posts. It is painful, like the sneeze that won't arrive or like the pressure of eardrums before they pop,  except a thousandfold more. A hundred thousandfold more. 

We may have to resort to old-fashioned pen and paper, lest we explode.

1 comment:

  1. Have been in that place and it is hellish. Good thoughts to you.
