Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Offspring the third has a great love in his heart for all creatures large and small. He is particularly fond of gastropods, and searches for them in lieu of promptly performing his assigned yardwork. Each discovery generates much fanfare, as well as the fetching of the Gastropod Habitat: a plastic bin with a moist paper towel and a chunk of some type of vegetable. Currently, there are seven slugs in the Habitat.

Given the half-concealed look of distaste on her face, it appears that Herself only grudgingly undertakes Slug Husbandry on behalf of Offspring the third. My impression is that Herself suffers from a mild case of "the willies" relating to creatures having legs that naturally number fewer than two or more than four. Fortunately, this condition does not appear to extend to me.

This morning I assisted with the freshening of the lettuce.

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