Thursday, September 20, 2012


Herself had an appointment with Offspring the Third's math teacher this morning.  Offspring the Third is taking a pre-AP algebra course.  He works hard and diligently, yet his grade is a trifle low, so Herself arranged to meet with the instructor to see if any issues could be identified to help Offspring the Third do better.

It was a very pleasant meeting. They were joined by the math coach of the school, and went over Offspring the Third's grades and identified where they could help him improve.  The teacher praised Offspring the Third highly for his attitude and work ethic; talked about how everyone in the class is fond of him and knows that should they ever need duct tape, he would always have some handy; and underscored several times how she found him to be a thoroughly delightful student. It warmed Herself's heart tremendously.  Offspring the Third has come so far since the difficulties he experienced in grade school - it is marvelous to behold.

At the close of the meeting, the math coach -- who, many years ago, had been Offspring the First's math teacher one year -- commented that she had spotted Offspring the First this summer at a local restaurant.  Math coach recounted that she and a fellow teacher had been dining, and the fellow teacher had pointed out that a young lady nearby looked most lovely with an unusually short hairdo; math coach had looked and realized it was her former student, Offspring the First. She exclaimed to Herself and Offspring the Third's teacher that Offspring the First is a strikingly beautiful young woman. (Which she is.  Not that we're biased.) Herself was touched that the math coach would go out of her way to mention Offspring the First's beauty.

Herself has spent some time contemplating the Offspring over the past few days: Offspring the First, with her warmth and charm; Offspring the Second, with his witty, contemplative nature; and Offspring the Third, ever helpful and thoughtful. All three of them are remarkable young people. They are intelligent.  They are good friends to their classmates, and ultimately, to each other as well.  They are kind. They bring good humor and laughter into the house every day. She is lucky to know them.

Herself knows that they will have their moments -- for all people do -- but she is pleased and grateful to see the wonderful young adults they are becoming.

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