Yesterday Herself and her Beloved ran errands together. The place where they had hoped to have Herself's watch repaired was unfortunately closed for the long weekend; the gun shop adjacent to it was open, though, so they moseyed on in to take a look around.
When Herself was younger, she was vehemently anti-gun. Her Beloved slowly acclimated her to the idea of guns in the house - first bringing home his childhood rifle that had been stored at his parents' house; then purchasing another rifle; and finally, this past Christmas, presenting her with a Ruger Mark III pistol as a gift.
At first she scoffed. She jokingly suggested that his thought process had been: "What gift do I get for my beloved wife, who does so much and yet asks for so little? Oh, I know. Firearms!"
A few trips to the range later, she has learned how to shoot her gun. She is inwardly pleased that she has stepped out of her comfort zone sufficiently to be able to handle her gun and not make (too much) of an ass of herself. It is empowering.
Nevertheless, she feels extremely awkward when she visits the gun shop. It is quite the Man's Domain. Each time, she is the only woman in the shop, and feels as though all eyes are upon her, questioning why she is there. She is afraid of demonstrating her ignorance. Her knowledge of firearms is quite limited, and one casual question would be enough to expose her nescience. She fears glances among the staff that would indicate they know she is just a dimwitted woman tagging along with her Man. The staff at every gun shop, however, have always been unfailingly polite and professional; it is solely her own insecurities at play.
I think that I should find her some informative reading materials, so that she can be better prepared and more confident the next time she sets foot in the gun shop. Besides, as I tell her, what is more attractive than Girls With Guns? She rolls her eyeballs dismissively at me.
Still, she wants to know more.