Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Delicious: The Sense of Taste

Today, part four in our pleasant diversion on the five senses: the sense of taste.

Taste is the trickiest sense.  Intimately associated with smell, it is difficult to parse.  For Herself, taste is difficult to assess because so many foods are linked with headache; what might be delicious may also be rather toxic (e.g., chocolate).  There is the component of texture, too -- what might have a tempting flavor may be lumpy, stringy, or otherwise have a strange 'feel' to it.  The sense of sight also plays a role: is the item sufficiently aesthetically appealing to consume?

Because it is so complicated, the list of favorites will be simple: the best possible tastes always involve plants.  Cold, crisp watermelon. Salad (even when it is primarily a vehicle for the salad dressing).  Cherries. Berries of any kind, whether fresh or jellied.  A mint leaf. Corn on the cob. Lots and lots of garlic.

What are your favorite tastes?