Saturday, February 2, 2013

Four and Four

Although Herself has traditionally strenuously avoided stepping on a scale, she recently decided that it was time to do so in order to motivate herself into shedding the few pounds she knew she'd gained. She was afraid of what the numbers might be. She denuded herself, held her breath, and stepped on the Judgment Machine.

:::exhale::: Well, that number, though higher than she would like, was not as dreadful as she'd feared.

To reach a number at which she would feel better about herself, she decided to lose eight pounds.  On the one hand, that may not seem like much -- but on a not-terribly-tall woman, it is certainly a noticeable difference not only in her cup size but also in the degree of squeeziness of her jeans.  Her goal is to banish her muffin top and be much more comfortable. I think it can be done - if she can find the willpower.

She cajoled the scale into cooperating this morning - it's a temperamental device, digital and prone to displaying an error signal as well as to vacillating up and down a few pounds depending on time of day (or alignment of the planets, or whatever strange forces compel it to behave as it does).

It says: four pounds down.

And therein lies the incentive to keep going.

Four more pounds.  Perhaps one more, if possible, for buffer.  That would be good.

Just a little muffin top. 

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